Birch and Apple Products

We are so excited to offer Pure Vermont Birch Syrup! Birch Syrup is made using the same techniques and equipment as Maple Syrup. While Maple Syrup takes about 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup, Birch Syrup takes about 125 gallons of sap to make one gallon! Our steam evaporator allows us to convert the sap to syrup at a much lower temperature, preventing the darker and much stronger flavor often associated with Birch Syrup. Birch Syrup is actually sweet but probably not the syrup of choice for pancakes and other breakfast foods. It is has a more complex flavor with fruity and earthy undertones. Perfect for cooking (fish, steak, chicken) or in specialty cocktails, instead of grenadine. Apple Syrup, or boiled syrup as it is sometimes referred to in books, is made from apple cider that is boiled down and turned into a syrup. Unfiltered but full of flavor, it is great over ice cream or spice cake. Enjoy!
Birch Syrup
1.4 oz $7.50
Pure Apple Syrup
8.45 oz $12.00
Maple Apple Chutney
7.5 oz. $7.00
The Sweet

We'll Ship Anywhere!

Shipping will generally be UPS ground.
Please refer to the chart below for shipping charges.
These shipping charges are for 48 states only (excluding Alaska and Hawaii).

Order Subtotal Shipping cost to...
USA East USA West
$30 or less $14 $18
$60 or less $18 $21
$90 or less $23 $28
$150 or less $30 $40
over $150 TBD TBD
NOTE: Shipping price is based on the Order Subtotal
and whether it is being shipped East or West of the Mississippi River.

Orders to Alaska and Hawaii
In order to assure timely delivery and package tracking we ship USPS priority with insurance,
which may unfortunately not follow the shipping chart above.

Shipping photo

Jed’s Maple

259 Derby Pond Road
Derby, VT 05829
(802) 766-2700 (local)
(866) 4PUREVT (toll free)

Gift Shop Hours

Mon-Fri 8am - 4:30pm
Sat 10am - 4pm
Sun closed